Home 'work' never looked better
Live and Work (anyway you like) in East Gippsland
EGMI at the beginning of COVID-19 put together a campaign to encourage people work from home in East Gippsland (abiding by current lockdown requirements of course).
As part of the directives from the Government, many people are now working from the confines of their home. This is new. Many large businesses have changed the way they interact with employees and customers to allow for working from home as well.
This all poses the question, why work from a tiny apartment in the city, when you could work from your dream house in a rural setting?
The objective of this campaign to encourage people to move to East Gippsland.
Short-term, this would mean:
- visiting the ‘live East Gippsland’ website
- visiting the region to see what it has to offer
Longer term, this would mean:
- increasing investment dollars in the region
- increasing residents in East Gippsland
Or, if you are holidaying in East Gippsland, then extend your stay and work from home during the week!
Footage using the elemental theme, showcases the day in the life of someone working from home and living in East Gippsland. This should relate to the creative themes, so as to represent the elements of the campaign in fun and eye catching filmed footage. Utilising the home office desk as the building block
to all of these stories is a good start. The stories flow from or to the desk. The desk is different each time to represent the different work, workers and the views and locations are important.
Filmed footage of real people working from home and living their life in
East Gippsland. Each person would talk about one element that they love. for example – affordability in
East Gippsland to live and work in the same space. Showcasing their desks, their office, their location.
Purpose designed tips and anecdotes as weekly facebook posts
Examples of how to live a work from home life, with steps to show how to do it and how to be organised.
Using quotes as facebook posts with links to the website and more information about working from
home. These can be updated, added to as the campaign continues.
_Please note - Some of this campaign was put on hold due to the COVID19 restrictions continuing on into 2021. _

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